Ekino Technology Radar

    What is the Tech Radar?

    The Ekino Tech Radar is a list of technologies, complemented by an assessment result, called ring assignment. We use four rings with the following semantics:

    • ADOPT
    • TRIAL
    • ASSESS
    • HOLD

    The radar is divided into 4 quadrants:

    • Techniques, Architectures, Patterns
    • Languages, Frameworks, Solutions
    • Infrastructure, Platforms
    • Tools

    What is the purpose?

    The Tech Radar is a tool to inspire and support Engineering teams at ekino to pick the best technologies for new projects; it provides a platform to share knowledge and experience in technologies, to reflect on technology decisions and continuously evolve our technology landscape. Based on the pioneering work of ThoughtWorks, our Tech Radar sets out the changes in technologies that are interesting in software development — changes that we think our engineering teams should pay attention to and use in their projects.

    How do we maintain it?

    The Tech Radar is maintained by our Leads and Experts engineers — who facilitate and drive the technology selection discussions at ekino across the Engineering Community. Assignment of technologies to rings is the outcome of ring change proposals, which are discussed and voted on. The Tech Radar is open for contribution for all Engineering teams at ekino and depends on their active participation to share lessons learned, pitfalls, and contribute to good practices on using the technologies.

    Check out our Engineering Blog for more information on how we approach Technology Selection and use the Tech Radar at ekino.

    Forked from https://github.com/zalando/tech-radar

    Our technologies